Dazed and Confused

We had completed our summer trip. Each night, we stayed in a different location—a different campsite or a different hotel—a new setting for every evening. On our first night home, it was nice to have a proper shower. Camp showers feel great when sweaty and…

I Bit My Tongue

Today, I am 19270 days old. For simple math purposes, let us say I did not get my first tooth until I was 270 days old. That leaves 19000 days where I have eaten at least three meals a day, thousands of snacks, thousands of…

Potato Bar

When we’re out and about and it’s time to head home, our last stop is usually Harvey’s. I love this hamburger restaurant’s meat patty, which is customizable with many topping options. It’s been my go-to when the hunger strikes. But then, Charlene’s son shared a…