Was The Sky Blue?

“Was the sky blue?” asked a seven-year-old boy. He was curious and seeking an honest answer to a problem he had discovered. We had been talking about how different my childhood was from his.  He was amazed to learn that I was once a child,…

Peacock Boy

One of the biggest perks of being a school bus driver is the time off. It is the most significant selling point for me to remain in this job – we love our vacations. Victoria Day weekend had come, and we decided to spend it…

Give Me A Kiss

Charlene and I will be celebrating a wedding anniversary this week, but I have almost begun to wonder if our marriage will survive that long.   I am a school bus driver. My job is to get the kids back and forth from school safely and…

Three Birthdays

The kids are amazing.   As a bus driver, I see these young minds develop and grow.  Watching this fruition into adults brings great joy to my heart. But I also see the difficulties some children have to suffer—sad moments like what happened on my bus…