Brook's Falls
Brook's Falls
A lot is going for Brook's Falls. Located outside of Emsdale and only a few kilometres from the main highway, it is one falls that we have visited each and whenever we are in the area.
A lot is going for Brook's Falls. Located outside of Emsdale and only a few kilometres from the main highway, it is one falls that we have visited each and whenever we are in the area.
It has a large parking lot that is maintained in summer and winter; oddly shaped though.
It flows in the winter.
It flows even in a dry summer and is nice in the autumn.
In under 5 minutes from the parking lot, we are already taking pictures and enjoying the view.
The most recent visit was in the winter. Being so close to the parking lot, it was not like we had to bundle up and get ready for a trek in the frozen forest for hours, but it was also not summer either. We saw a group of young men who insisted that it was a heatwave and wearing no coats and only running shoes. They struggled to get to the bottom of the slope that led to the foot of the falls; their bravado egging each other on. We didn't stay long enough to see if they were able to make it back up the slippery slope.
Please know that visiting frozen falls is dangerous. There needs to be caution and not a haphazard approach to seeing these. Ice and snow cover so much that it can ruin a nice visit with one wrong step. Always be properly equipped and prepared.
Brook's Falls is relatively easy to reach the river and walk to the base of the falls. We could see where the water was eroding the ground and at this location, water had flowed and frozen into almost perfectly clear ice. There were several examples of this ice formation.
It was tempting to step on the thick snow for a closer look but I was worried that it would break under my weight. Plus, where I was standing provided a pretty good view.
In all, this falls always pleases. So many falls that we visit, we enjoy it when it is so close to a road or a parking lot. Having a brief walk is high on our list of falls to visit. And yet, I am oddly dissatisfied whenever I go and visit this place.
There is a phrase, "It is not the destination, but the journey that matters." Although I think that the quote is about something other than waterfalls, I do feel that this pertains to this location.
I feel that for a quality falls like this one, there needs to be more of a journey to get to it. Maybe a hill or two, a trek through an old-growth forest, something so that the anticipation of getting to the goal of seeing this falls.
I would like a little more effort on my part for this Brook's Falls.
Odd feeling.
Now, do not let this weird thought of mine stop you from seeing this place. It is beautiful and is a classic falls in a wilderness. There are no roads or bridges or anything to spoil the view. It is very much worth the few minutes off the main road to drive and spend time at this site. You will find yourself admiring this natural wonder and all that it beholds.
Let me know if you think it needed more effort to reach in the comments below.