Today, I am 19270 days old. For simple math purposes, let us say I did not get my first tooth until I was 270 days old. That leaves 19000 days where I have eaten at least three meals a day, thousands of snacks, thousands of pieces of gum, and millions, if not billions, of words spoken, and somehow, with all that experience, I still managed to bite my tongue.

I was enjoying a new favourite food item—a samosa. We were seated in the gathering area of a temple, which was a Doors Open site. I bit into the tasty samosa, freely offered to anyone visiting the temple. I asked our young guide questions based on their faith. It was a fascinating place and a tasty samosa.

“Mmm.  This is so good.  Would it be rude to ask for another?” was the thought that filled my mind when the most disgusting sound ever occurred?


I bit my tongue.

Oh, the pain.

And the blood.

Blood and samosa do not go well together, and since this is a vegetarian religion, I doubt they would approve of this combination.

I did mention to my wife and our faithful guide that I just bit my tongue. 

I finished the samosa and continued to ask questions.  I soon felt the swelling and more blood filling my mouth.

I love Doors Open because it is an informal time to ask and learn. I had so many more questions, but the swelling was making it harder to form my words that I decided not to leave.


Our guide was so pleasant to talk to and keen to help us understand what they believe in. Not to mention the samosas—mmm, mm.

After our day, I looked at my tongue when I was getting ready to brush my teeth.  I had bitten a considerable section; it was purple and gross, and even a white section, which I assumed was a part that I bit off.

Nasty to look at.

Nasty to deal with.

It hurt to talk, eat and drink with the wound being so prominently located.

The lesson here is not to worry about social niceties, like chewing with one’s mouth open or eating and talking.  Instead, shove the whole samosa in your mouth to protect the tongue from unnecessary injury caused by being polite.

I did enjoy the samosa, though.  I might go back for another.


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