There is a unique roadside attraction on the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. The sculptures and mosaics are made from discarded road signs, and each is crafted to create a scene or flower.
A truly creative way to express art and have it themed on the location.

Even though this is created by an agency that is responsible for the roads, it is best seen on foot. We parked at the DOT and were able to enjoy the views up close. I don’t know who made these or how many signs are incorporated into each art piece, but I know it is a lot. Considering road signs are well made and never seem to fade, this display will be there for anyone to view for a long time into the future.

I wish there were more creative people and places like this!
- On my Featured Map is where this attraction can be found.
- Much of the art is a relatively safe distance from the road, so there is little worry about traffic.
- The parking lot for DOT is relatively large.