We discovered camping a few years ago, and since then, it has become our preferred means of sleeping. Hotels are fine and all, but pitching a tent, making our own meals, dealing with bugs, dirt, and the possibility of a bear attack all add to the experience of travelling. After all, isn’t travel about the experience?

Camping is much cheaper than a hotel and with the money we save by setting up a tent, we can travel longer, farther and more often. Because of this, I have created a Google My Map called Provincial and State Campgrounds. I prefer the government-owned and operated campgrounds because I find them to be better maintained, larger and more private sites than those of those that are commercially owned.  

I use this map to plan our trips to see what is around the campsites, opting only for a hotel when time doesn’t allow a proper camping experience (like arriving in the dark), or we need to travel a great distance. So far, most of Canada has been mapped and I add a state when I think we will be making a journey there.  

Currently, I am on the research phase of what to do for our summer vacation. I am seriously thinking of Vancouver Island. I have added all the provincial and national campsites between here and there. Feel free to view this map and use it for your own personal vacation planning. Camping is a great experience and is far better than any hotel.  


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Camp Sign

My sister would occasionally invite a lot of friends over to her cottage. When there were too many to sleep in the cottage, she would have them all stay in trailers. When those were too full, there would be tents. My daughter, Caitlyn, would have…

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