
I never thought I would ever visit a cemetery. It is an odd thing to visit a cemetery where there is no one who you knew. I hardly saw these sacred places for the dead as a tourist attraction for the living.   I believe the…

Car Collections

Growing up, I never really understood the romance some people have with their cars. I have always considered a vehicle a means simply to go from one spot to another. My view changed when I finally got my license and discovered that owning a car…


One of my favourite gifts to my kids is the gift of time. This Christmas, my present to my daughter, Caitlyn, will be her first trip to the USA. I have called this trip Birthdaymas in celebration of Caitlyn’s and Jesus’ birthdays. It is a…

Photo Albums

I have taken many pictures. I am fortunate to have Google Home, which displays my pictures daily. I have decided to share my albums with everyone. Many of the pictures have the location where they were taken. PICTURES FROM 2016 – 71 photos I did…