Featuring All The Places We Have Been To
In my travels around Ontario and now into Quebec and the States, I have been to thousands of places over the past years. The one thing that I have learned in all of this is that there are so many places to visit and see.…
Provincial and State Campgrounds Map Updated
We discovered camping a few years ago, and since then, it has become our preferred means of sleeping. Hotels are fine and all, but pitching a tent, making our own meals, dealing with bugs, dirt, and the possibility of a bear attack all add to…
Trying Not To Freeze To Death While Camping
One of the main reasons why I wanted to become a bus driver was for the time off. Guaranteed weekends, holidays, summers and this thing called March Break. I will be taking advantage of March Break by taking my wife all the way down to…
Please Do Not Pet The Animals
My wife and I love going on hikes in nature. There is something very relaxing about being out in the middle of nowhere, enjoying the scenery together. But there is one thing that terrifies me more than anything in the world. Snakes? Nope. Not those…
Antietam National Battlefield
There is a story behind the pictures I take. This one filled me with dread and despair. It was a rather dull and dreary day in March when we stopped at the Antietam National Battlefield, one of the first stops of our March Break trip…
Memes, Puns, Life and Other Stuff
I occasionally create graphics for things I see on the Internet. Whether they are funny, inspiring, or thought-provoking, you can find them on the various pages. Feel free to share, browse, and download the ones you like and share them on whatever platform you use. …