Dolls have been the main toy given to girls for thousands of years, if not longer. Throughout time, the materials and designs of dolls have changed. Currently at the Dundas Museum is the Valley of the Dolls, featuring several dolls from the past century.

We learned of this location during a Doors Open Event last summer but chose not to visit it then because this museum is open year-round and is free. A small museum that highlights some of the local histories but the main attraction for us this time was the doll exhibit.
I am confident that many people find some dolls creepy, and some in this display would fulfill that eerieness about them. I discovered that this museum excelled in displaying the variety of different types of dolls and the materials that these are made of—from wood to corn husks to china to even rubber and plastic.

The museum is tiny, and it is possible to only spend 45 minutes in there, but this display that is currently on will capture you and take many back to their childhood. When we were there, a group of older women remembered that they once had some of the dolls in their youth. It was a nice add-on listening to the joy in their voices as they recalled the various dolls and clothes they had.
Dundas Museum is a good add-on stop when travelling. It is a great place to see which event they are displaying and learn a bit about the history of this city outside of Hamilton. Plenty of free street parking and free admission.
Check out my Featured Map to see where this and many other destinations are located.

Wow so many dolls. I think this would be cool to visit during Halloween month because it makes sense. Thank you for sharing!