I Bit My Tongue
Today, I am 19270 days old. For simple math purposes, let us say I did not get my first tooth until I was 270 days old. That leaves 19000 days where I have eaten at least three meals a day, thousands of snacks, thousands of…
Today, I am 19270 days old. For simple math purposes, let us say I did not get my first tooth until I was 270 days old. That leaves 19000 days where I have eaten at least three meals a day, thousands of snacks, thousands of…
One of the biggest perks of being a school bus driver is the time off. It is the most significant selling point for me to remain in this job – we love our vacations. Victoria Day weekend had come, and we decided to spend it…
When we decided where to spend our summer holidays, I started to make an itinerary of the places we would see. I kept finding things to do in Quebec and realized that we were spending too much time there, so much so that we could…
Here are some sage pieces of wisdom. Feel free to download them for personal use.
There was a time when I kept all the places I wanted to see on my phone. But now, I cannot see the areas I am going to; these get buried under the avalanche of stars, flags and all the other icons I have used…
Planning a trip around the spring bloom is one of the hardest itineraries to create. When we visit, I know where everything is, and I know how to get from location to location. I even know how much it will all cost me. It is…
I love building maps, creating itineraries, and researching things to do, so when I was asked what recommendations there were for Ottawa for a grandma and her grandson on the theme of money, I jumped right to it. Well, that is an incorrect statement. I jumped right to it AFTER we…
For us, it was the first Doors Open event of the year. I mapped out the places I wanted to take Charlene and made an itinerary. Our first stop was the Ontario Regiment Museum. I have been wanting to go here for years and we finally made it on the…
“When is your play coming out?” I was asked by this young woman who was very proud of her job at Theatrix Costume House in Hamilton. I replied with my usual confidence when I was pulling someone’s leg, “Next week.” She was excited by this and…