I cannot believe it has only been two years since our first major trip to the USA. Charlene and I had vacation time coming up, and I decided to go south and explore a section of West Virginia. I had been looking for places to visit, and there were several in that area, and we had to go and see them.

As with each trip, I created a map and an itinerary. By this point in our travels, I will toot my own horn and say I am good at these travel plans. I will share these maps and itinerary for your personal use. Feel free to modify them as you please. There is a good variety of different places to see and explore. Some of them have already been featured on my website.

The Google Map for this trip to West Virginia.


Our First Moose

When we first started our travels, our adventures were mostly confined within city limits. But as we ventured further into the wilderness, a whole new world opened up. The first time we spotted a moose crossing sign on the road was during a trip to…

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