Toronto STart

One of our favourite activities is exploring neighbours, especially neighbourhoods with art.  Many cities and towns are now adding murals and other art forms to combat graffiti and make their living spaces more beautiful.  For the most part, it works.  We appreciate it and seek…

Detroit Zoo

It is a blessing to be in a marriage where we both have the same time off together.  Of course, we make the most of it by travelling and spending time with each other.   For February, it was mild.  Almost spring-like in the brisk feel…

Lake Michigan

We finally did it! We have now seen all the Great Lakes. It was a brisk February afternoon, and the wind was chilly coming off the lake.  We missed the ice storm that covered the lighthouse in a dress of frozen water, but that did…

Midwest Minatures Museum

This place was so amazing; I only wish that it was bigger. The Midwest Miniature Museum has been on my “Top Priority List” since I first learned of it.  It features some of the most amazing, incredibly detailed miniature versions of life.  When Charlene tagged…